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Strategic Planning
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Our Accomplishments

Over the past few years, OCTO delivered for DC Government and residents in unprecedented ways

During the COVID-19 Pandemic, OCTO rapidly mobilized to deliver on a variety of major initiatives, including:

Supported the transition of DC  Gov’s workforce to remote work during the pandemic, Created a vaccine scheduling app to help residents in the DC area get vaccinated, Stood up the technology required to allow DC students and teachers to return to school in 2020, Migrated a data center on short notice thereby allowing agencies to continue operations uninterrupted

Cartoon of man at desk

Supported the transition of DC’s government workforce to remote-work during COVID-19

When COVID-19 caused a significant shift in how and where people work, the DC government needed to transition a large portion of its workforce to remote work.
OCTO helped to support this effort by transitioning workers to remote environments, streamlining processes and by strengthening cybersecurity

How OCTO delivered:

  • Supported the transition to remote work for 60% of the DC workforce, including the setup of both physical (e.g., laptops, phones, etc.) and online assets (e.g.,
  • Created and executed a plan to digitize over 5,000 processes that previously only occurred in-person or on paper
  • Established strong cybersecurity practices for at-home workers, including the creation of a secure employee VPN for at-home web access
  • Maintained DC constituent delivery by transitioning 6 call centers to an online, remote-worker environment

Our impact:

  • 60 % of DC Workforce tranistioned to remote work
  • 5,000+ paper processes that became digitized
  • VPN was established for at-home web access
  • 6 call centers brought online remotely by OCTO

Person holding up phone

Created a vaccine scheduling app to help ~380K residents in the DC area get vaccinated

As the DC area started receiving COVID-19 vaccines, demand was significant and the residents of DC needed help finding available vaccination sites.
OCTO was tasked with building a vaccine scheduling app for the residents of DC.

How OCTO delivered:

  • Rapidly stood-up the COVID-19 Information and Vaccination Call Center using Amazon Web Services (AWS) as a channel to schedule vaccination appointments and serve as a central source of information
  • Created vaccine service ready stations (e.g., temporary hospitals, covid centers and school vaccination sites) at temporary government spaces overnight
  • Built the vaccine app and database using strong cybersecurity protocols so that residents could enter their data with ease of mind
  • Collaborated with DC Health, DGS and OCP to create a safe and efficient plan to get vaccines to DC residents

Our impact:

  • 700k resident calls handled by the call center
  • 10 Number of sites prepared as COVID vaccination centers
  • Ranked Top 3 Us dashboards ranled by US News and World Report
  • 380k Vaccines administered 

Hands on mobile device

Worked together to set up the technology required to allow 50K DC students and teachers to return to school in 2020

At the height of the pandemic, OCTO was tasked with helping set up technical infrastructure for DC Public Schools

Due to the timing of the upcoming virtual summer school term, the OCTO team had only 5 days to reformat & set up laptops

How OCTO delivered:

  • Embedded security in Back to School DC, which supported the safe return to school for teachers and students following the pandemic
  • Set up ~20 clusters of senior tech managers to guide 90+ technicians through the laptop reformatting & setup process
  • Seamlessly onboarded 75 additional technicians in just a matter of days

Our impact:

  • 50k laptops formatted & set up securely for schools
  • 92 schools assisted by technicians on 1st day of school
  • 4 agencies or parties collaborated to quickly ramp up staffing needs (DCNet, HCM, Facilities and CWM)

Data Dashboard

Migrated the data center on short notice thereby allowing agencies to continue operations uninterrupted

During the height of the pandemic, OCTO was informed by DMPED, that a data center has to be moved due to a transition in real estate ownership

OCTO was tasked with moving the hardware, mapping the data and working with relevant stakeholders to complete the move.

How OCTO delivered:

  • Successfully migrated to a new data center at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic despite remote work requirements and obstacles
  • Collaborated with agency CIOs, internal OCTO teams and external advisors to set-up and build an app structure and mapping that embeds support across agencies
  • Built a repository of documented dependencies between applications and networks to better address outage management

Our impact:

  • $40 million Investment deployed to support new infrastructure
  • 100% of DC agencies collaborated on migration
  • One time, on-budget delivery of the datacenter despite pandemic